Grey Goose Vodka is a high quality, smooth spirit that combines the finest ingredients from France and delivers a delicate and floral aroma with a sweet and round palette. A premium vodka that allows you to effortlessly enjoy on any occasion when you want an exquisitely flavourful experience Grey Goose Vodka uses only two of the finest ingredients from France: soft winter wheat and Gensac spring water, to deliver a delicate and floral aroma Grey Goose vodka is distilled only once to preserve the integrity of the taste Extraordinary, crisp vodka with a sweet, round palette and a bold, toffee finish Best served in a cocktail such as a Grey Goose Martini cocktail, Bloody Mary, Espresso Martini, Vodka Soda or Moscow Mule Perfect for elevating everyday occasions and also makes the perfect gift Grey Goose Premium French Vodka is 40% alcohol by volume Grey Goose Premium Vodka, alcohol, spirit, cocktail, grey goose vodka, bloody mary, espresso martini, flavoured vodka, gluten free